Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Abroad Blog

I am officially leaving the country in 4 days, headed to London for the next 4 months. Like hundreds of students studying abroad with access to a computer and the ability to type, I decided to start a blog. Yep, another abroad blog. But, while to you it may be just another abroad blog, to me it's my abroad blog.

This past semester I spent a lot of time listening to some of my best friends gush about their own abroad experiences. I made the decision as a sophomore to not go abroad, for really no reason other than I just didn't think I cared one way or the other. I didn't think going abroad just to go abroad was a good enough reason. However, I spent a lot of time on Skype (probably too much time, right MaryBeth?) over the past few months, catching up with my friends in Galway, London, Buenos Aires, and Guayaquil, and realized I did care. I felt like I was missing out on something big. It didn't occur to me until half way through the semester that it wasn't too late for me to have my own abroad experience. I finally got my butt over to Villanova's study abroad office (3 days before all Spring semester due dates) and made it official. So now, here I am, sitting in my Buffalo, NY bed, starting a blog that I never thought I'd have a reason to write. I don't know yet what my abroad experience holds for me, but it will be my own.

I'm not sure yet if this blog will go public, or if I'll just write for myself. I'm one of those girls who has her entire life (1st grade and on) documented in journal form, but I've never written anything like this that was meant to be read by others. But hey, if you're reading this now that means I went for it! So here it is, another abroad blog. My abroad blog.


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